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Walk In The Park

Happy New Year!

I've been slowly editing this post since Sunday. I just haven't gotten around to actually finishing and posting it. On New Year's Eve the plans we made fell through so we ended up going to a different party than planned but it was fun and we set off a lantern from the quays in Dublin and sang the Lonely Island songs. On Sunday we took the bus to Malahide to visit Dave and go for a walk in Malahide Castle. It was very cold and the heels on my boots kept sinking into the mud and I was grumpy but then I cheered up and we took photos and went for coffee.

We got the bus back into town that evening and went to Simon's house and we all made vegetable noodle soup together and sweet potato fries and watched House of the Devil. Yesterday we met our friend Róisín for a drink before she went back to Japan to finish her teaching job there. This evening we had some friends over and played Mario Kart, ate dinner and watched The Human Centipede. I don't recommend it. In fact the guys are still here watched Ghostbusters 2. I'm so tired I really need to go to bed! So I'll leave you with the photos from Sunday. Also, I took photos to show you my new hairsut that I did myself;

I'm going to Kerry on Saturday or Sunday for a week to help out on Donnacha's film shoot. I'm hoping to get a couple of posts in before then and possibly during next week depending on what internet is like down there.

Hope you all had a lovely New Years and that your resolutions are working out. Mine are just to have as much fun as possible and make the most of every situation and opportunity which seems to be going well so far!


Emma xxx

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