I got a 3g Bella Bamba container from Sephora with some of my rewards points a few weeks back. I think I have tried almost every blush that Benefit sells, so I thought what the heck. I like this one more than Coraslista. Bella Bamba reminds me of Coralista actually, but this is like a medium pink version of Coralista. This products also reminds me of Nars' Orgasm, only Bella Bamba is much more vibrant and pink. It is described by Benefit as a watermelon pink and sells for $36 Canadian and $28 U.S. A regular sized box is 12g. Considering I have never, ever come close to finishing a Benefit boxed blush, I think the 3g one that I have will last me a very long time indeed.
On the swatches below I have Bella Bamba on the left and Coralista on the right. I realized when I looked back on my blog for Coralista that I took a pretty crappy swatch photo so hopefully this will make up for it! Sorry!
Rating: 9/10
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