Tomorrow 24FPS begins toddling forth into the future, as it reaches its second birthday. I feel a bit like a proud dad; it feels like I've been doing this forever, but also like it has gone by in a flash. Before I get a bit misty eyed and remeniscent, I wanted to say thanks to the people who really make this site work, which is you guys, yes you reading this now.
Thanks, really. When I started this I imagined I would just be one more blogger, essentially using his keyboard to shout at the internet (and perhaps three people, two of them related to him) about movies. But it's grown into a little more than that, okay I'm a small fry by web standards, but the fact that month after month more than 7000 unique visitors are choosing to come to 24FPS seems fucking unimaginably huge to me. You guys are from all over the world; The US, the UK, Australia, but also India, China, Korea, even Iraq has got in on the act. So, whoever and wherever you are; cheers, I'm really pleased that you take time out to read my ramblings.
The site really took off this year, as people began to notice it. In May I found myself browsing in HMV and seeing one of my own quotes staring out from the back of a DVD. That was odd. I've also embraced social media, and through that gained access to this year's London Film Festival (which is still paying dividends and ought to make 2011 very exciting round these parts).
To finish off I thought I'd pick a couple of highlights, the stuff I enjoyed most and am proudest of from the year.
POSITIVE REVIEWS: Le Refuge / Toy Story 3
NEGATIVE REVIEWS: The Twilight Saga: Eclipse / A Nightmare on Elm Street
And just before I go, largely so that this post doen't consist entirely of me blowing my own trumpet, here's something awesome. Enjoy.
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