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My Meals & Food Inspiration | Slimming World Week 3

Hey Everyone,

As some of you may know, that is if you follow me on Instagram, I joined slimming world three weeks ago. I have always been somewhat "healthy" but have struggled with my weight for the past couple of years.

I decided to join Slimming World because I felt like I needed someone to weigh me in regularly and give me guidance. I am no expert and still getting to grips with SW but when I posted last week that I had dropped 7.5lbs in my first week I was asked so much to post about my meal plan. So I decided that every Tuesday or every second Tuesday, after my weekly weigh in,  I will post all things health and fitness :)

On joining I really didn't have a clue what to expect, I had never been involved in a group like this but here are some of the lovely meals I have been having. I Hope you find some inspiration and try be a cleaner healthier you :)

For breakfast I like to start my day off with either berries and fat free natural yogurt, porridge with fruit or eggs of some sort. I make sure to fill up on food for breaky to keep me full up until lunch time.

This is an egg white omelette with smoked ham. It was amazing.

For lunch I like to either have a salad with meat or just a pasta salad with tuna. I like to mix my lunches up everyday so that I don't get bored. Some days I have soup or scrambled eggs with toast :)

 My mam has been experimenting with new dinners since I joined Slimming world and here are a few of my faves.

Chicken and quinoa stir fry with loads of veggies

A beautiful Irish Stew

These chips are so yummy, they are made in the oven and cooked with 1 Cal spray. I had this with crustless quiche and it was so gorgeous.

On a friday I like to treat myself so that I don't loose control and I start to crave this every friday now.
It is a merengue nest with a muller light chocolate sensation yogurt and some mixed berries. It hits that sugar craving right on the head.

I also snack on fruit, carrots and celery, muller light yogurts, rivita crackers and low fat triangle cheese spreads.

Here is a slight progression picture. I am currently down 10lb in 2 weeks :)

If you have any questions please leave them in a comment.

Hope you got some inspiration


Grace xox

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