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Such Great Heights

I was thinking about not bothering with any posts on my week of fun with my American friends but it was such a great week and I got to do and see some great things around Dublin and Ireland that I just had to share some of the sights with you all.

These photos are all from the first day when we went for brunch, took a long walk along the canal, went on a Ferris Wheel, took a quick walk around the Natural History Museum (and that night not pictured, had some wine and played games).



Brunch in the Lennox Café at Portobello. I had French toast and eggs.



You will have to watch this video, then this one, then the other parts of the first one to get what Big Joe is in reference to. If you don't want to I'll just say it's about Irish Travellers family wars and I applaud anyone who can understand what they are saying. 



Patrick Kavanagh bench by the canal


A derelict Undertakers



Katie and Ashley doing the Macarena. 


St. Patrick's Festival in Merrion Square




How creepy is this?


We met Eric and Kate




This is genuine terror on my face






"You don't even blink do you?"






Donnacha and I talked a bit about being nervous about the girls visit and worried we wouldn't click as well as we did when we first met (which was for a few days in December 2010). We needn't have been though as we fell straight into joking and laughing and messing around. I'm so thankful we accidentally met these girls on a night out a year and a bit ago, but it makes me sad that we can't just hang out whenever we want. It just makes me even more determined to save to visit them. 

More photos from the week coming soon!

This is a bit of an aside, I wanted to update you about my work situation seeing as I mentioned it a few posts ago. The past few weeks in work have been full of ups and downs, mostly downs to be honest. After such a great week off, coming back to the possibility of bad news was very daunting and I spent most of the week with the sick feeling in my stomach. We each had individual meetings with our manager to get the outcome of our scores according to the feedback forms we filled out. I had mine on the Thursday and I'm so thankful because I got the exact contract I wanted. I was so relieved but the feelings of happiness I had were short-lived with the news that several of my colleagues are going to lose their jobs and others' positions are up in the air as they've been downgraded and are unsure as to what to do.

It's a horrible thing to have to watch others going through disappointment, anger and uncertainty and especially considering there are things that were not dealt with correctly and people have suffered because of that. I'm sorry for being so cryptic but as the process is ongoing I don't want anyone involved to read this and get upset. The branch is losing some of it's best employees who I know have gone above and beyond with customer service and have made the company a lot of money so to us it makes no sense. All I can say is that it is their loss and it will be hard working without those colleagues who I get on with so well and rely on as part of the team so much.

Anyway, I hope you are all having a nice Easter weekend and eating lots of chocolate!

Emma x

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