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Tucker Carlson angered being spied upon and considers running for president in 2024


Lamont Robinson

       Fox television news annalist and right-wing maniac Tucker Carlson is angered, triggered, and ready to run  for president regardless of if former president Trump decides to run. Ticker Carlon broke news last week that his Tik Tok account and emails have been compromised from the deep state and the Democratic Party long an enemy to this Fox New television host and one of the biggest trolls in media hammering what he consider sin the hammer and sickle version within this country he calls the Soviet States of America. Tucker Carlson is possibly  thinking about listening to his friends and fans whom long considered Ticker Carlson management material and deserving of residency in the White house and leadership of this country.

Others however disdain Tucker Carlson and the idea of him being a president scares the shit out of them and is something they will continue to fear and this may explain why there is spying on Mr Carlson which should not surprise anyone as all people are spied on whether they like it or not and those in the top of name games are deserving more of this scrutiny. Tucker Carlson is having all electronic forms read and looked up by the NSA  to make sure he is not a Russian or Chinese spy as the loyalty and integrity of this man is questionable and he may indeed be a agent of a foreign entity as is anyone in such a powerful new position  and is as outspoken such as he . Tucker Carlson was caught up in some investigation and a deep state fake news journalist likely leaked out some of the details of the FOX host  messaging with potential guests and sources for himself and also embittered is Mr Tucker that he is on a rampage of late and he is seriously for once considering running n for president in 2024 upping up his original plan of perhaps seeking out the presidency in 2028 waiting to see what his heroes Mr Trump and Florida Governor Ron  De Santis.  

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