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Russian supremacist Dmitri Orlov faces push back from Max Keiser on Russia China hegemeny

     Dmitri Diamond
    Russian supremacist Dmirtri Orlov  returned from under a rock and came o  RT networks Keiser Report to pretty much bash his brand of continual anti Americanism and praised the surveillance dictatorships  of Jinping Xi and Vladimir Putin. Orlov did his usual America is most corrupt nation and peel and as evil empires  and Orlov was sorting s Central Asian Islamic look and clearly  this is a  man that is delusional coming from a brutally evil repressive nation.  Both Keiser and Orlov spoke of mtge anti Russian hysteria as being similar to anti semeticism   but say nothing of the anti Americanism hatred they share and Dmitri Orlov is an idiot if he thinks China and Russia are the new model of
governance that  should be embraced by globalism and  major quirk of capitalism now is because it is run on the Authoritarian nature of these two giants that all nations were would  be under the overlord shop if not for America.  Dmitro Orlov is an idiot always has been one and whether he likes it or not America is still on top and is the top economy and global power and both China and Russia are archaic countries that without American foreign aid would either be in a lower position and these countries are prop up by our business people to justify massive amounts of military research and expenditures thus ensuring America will always be on top and the Soviet empire is long gone and news of China's ascendancy is fake news.
Dmitri Orlov and the Russians and Chinese are running scared as they see the American flag start to wash ashore on their territory and a massive protest against Chines brutality has taken place for six months and the people of Hong Kong are taking inspiration form American values and vision and no where do people ever see fucking Russian and  Chinese flags in pro-democracy movement protests. They can't even control Hong Kong and will in the near future face massive dissent form their own rural pig farmers in their versions of fly by country. Taiwan and Hong Kong will be under ht influence of America and our  Asian capitalist allies. 
China and Russia have a tremendous problems within their own societies and a hack ass like Dmitri Orlov will always ignore the internal problems of these two nations he loves so much because he hates the freedoms and democracy the United States has to offer. No where did Dmitro Orlov talk about the massive resistance in Hong Kong against mother China in this interview on the Keiser Report which should not be surprising as this shit is against any and all freedoms and wishes for a Chinese style neo-feudalism to exist and prevent peoples rights and speech as he admired China's massive amounts of executions in the past few years on basis of corruption when in fact Dmitri lies and these executions against  Chines officials was actually base don their openness in allowing greater freedom and expression in China.  the number of people executed in China based on corruption is insurmountable and this psychotic Dmitro Orlov seems to support these mass killings by his beloved China. Max Keiser fortunately impugned Orlov's crazy talk garbage and pushed back against the nonsense that this collapse and Russian state speaker Dmitri Orlov  was spewing as anyone who respects and admires the current governance coming form Russia or China in this day of age must have worms in their head and in Dmitro Orlov's case he also has brain affecting ticks in it as well likely coming form his really ugly disgusting beard. Max Keiser enjoys  having this clown on his award-winning RT network show but the  nonsense Mr Orlov says often must be rebutted it is so crazy and this mans brains are smashed potato with either opioids or poppers.

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